Tuesday, 25 May 2010


To begin with, I would like to say that I am pleased with the final exhibition.
I knew we would not be able to prepare our exhibition as we had planned (‘painty paint’ style, a lot of colours etc) because of the lack of money and time we had. It is impossible to prepare exhibition in just one day (also there were only five people in the morning on Friday that showed up – including me)! Also the exhibition was made from our pocket. Many people that visited our exhibition were asking about financial support. It was shame to say that we did it with our own money. The university did not help us financially. For this reason I am not disappointed of how we prepared our exhibition. Of course there are some things which, I think, could be done better.

From the beginning I declared to put our best works near the entrance so that visitors would get more interested about our exhibition. However, all the works were mixed, and I think our best ones were behind the images that should not be exhibited at all. As time showed, I was (unfortunately) right. to put our best work on front. A lot of visitors did not even enter the exhibition after they had watched one or two front images. Some left with a smile…

To make our exhibition look better I think it would be much better to use colour instead of white paper. This would bring more colours to the exhibition (which was the style we wanted to have). It’s a pity that we couldn’t paint the walls, If we were not forbidden I believe we would spray the walls with colours. I think then it would look more attractive to people.

Another thing that we could put at the walls was the link to exhibition website. Probably few people would visit the website but I still think it should have been done (it would also filled free space on the wall).

Another thing that I think we could use in order to make the exhibition more attractive was the banner that I had made. I think that this would look (of course with changed background) very good if it was slicked on the front glass. Some posters were simply too small to see (and to be honest some of them were not good enough). I The banner would look good on the glass as banner itself looks interesting (like everyone in the class said to me).
What I really like in our exhibition were the props, t-shirts and linen with sprinkled paint.

Now I’m going to describe my three days that I spent at the exhibition

Friday was the first day of our exhibition. Maybe not really an open day because that was a day when we created an exhibit of our work. Unfortunately there were only 5-6 people that showed up (including me) in the morning (in the afternoon the rest of the class came). I spent all day long with Kiel to hang others’ works. We only had fishing line and tape to use. We worked hard but some of the works still were fell down. What is more we did not finished our job but a lot was done
Hanging our work was not the only thing I was doing with Kiel and with the others.
On Saturday morning Adam and I finished hanging the works that I and Kiel did not finish the day before. I also did different stuff like spreading leaflets and so on.
It was also the opening day of our exhibition. Soon afterwards we had visitors. I was very happy when people were looking at my works. It was also a pleasure to me to talk with them about my works. They asked many questions about ‘Pygmalion’ image. They said they were looking forward to seeing the final animation. I think from all of the three works that I decided to exhibit ‘July’ was the most successful one. One lady was so pleased with my ‘July’ picture that she even asked for a copy of it! Some marriage said to me that they like that calm and romantic atmosphere in this image. Another young couple could not believe that ‘July’ image is a fully 3D generated image – as they thought it was a photograph.
‘1st of November’ was probably the image that many people did not really understand; especially young people. I am from another country and I presented the ‘1st of November’ as a very personal day so it is very symbolic and nostalgic. But it was very nice to see how people try to understand importance of this image (before we added description under each work).
The very popular section was the ‘sketch wall’. Many children just came to us to draw something on the wall. We also received some good comments in ‘comment book’.


Sunday was less busy than Saturday but it was for also an enjoyable day. It was very quiet at the beginning and we didn’t have any visitors. I decided to draw a nice and colourful character on the ‘sketch wall’ section for the visitors to give more colours to the section. Cartoonish style is not the style I feel comfortable at but I did my best. I drew a young skateboarder with ‘flaming’ like hairs (the sketch can be seen between flash and animation text). I also drew two alien characters. One of them is rather scary so I put my drawing on the opposite wall (with the rest of the class drawings)
After some time people began to come to visit us.
We had some people that were asking as for 30 minutes about our work! It is nice to hear how someone appreciates the hard work that we put on. Again some people liked the projects that I have done.

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